
I’m Kate Forest.

After nearly six decades on this planet I’m deepening my journey toward discovering and uncovering what’s real for me - beneath the surface. I'll be asking myself reflective questions, writing, reading, caring kindly for myself, and connecting with others to help me answer these questions. 

As I get honest with myself, vulnerable, raw, and real, perhaps you'll uncover pieces of what's meaningful and real for you, and feel nurtured along the way.

Join me and together we can travel on this sometimes messy and often beautiful journey of life.

Much love,  care,  and connection

Kate Forest


Why do I Write?

I write 

To feel less alone 

I write 

To uncover pieces of my lost self 

I write 

To know what I believe with every cell in my body mind and heart 

I write 

To recognize and release conditioned patterns and out-lived behaviors 

I write 

To extract and learn from long forgotten pains and joys and grow toward healing  

I write 

To expand my view of beauty in our world 

I write 

To express my truth with tender strength and share pieces of myself with you  

I write 

So that together we can nurture ourselves, learn and grow, and express our truths
with tender strength 

I write 

So that we feel less alone 

Subscribe to What's Real For Me?

Travel with me on this sometimes messy and often beautiful journey of life. As I ask myself reflective questions, nurture myself, and get honest, vulnerable, raw, and real, perhaps you'll uncover what's real for you and find moments of tender care too.


I’m a writer, poet, spoken word artist, and yoga teacher on a journey to uncover what’s real for me after nearly six decades of life. As I get honest, vulnerable, and real perhaps you'll uncover what's real for you, and feel nurtured along the way.